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Page 17

  He was lost in thought when someone cleared their throat. He looked toward the door.

  “Hi there,” Isabelle said, wearing what must have been one of Miles’s oversized t-shirts.

  “Hi. Sorry we left the bar so late,” Andrew responded, happy to have some company.

  “It’s not a big deal. It was good to sit and talk with your mom and Anne. We also had a few glasses of wine, so I decided to stay. Besides,” she took in a deep breath, “I wanted to see you. I didn’t want you to feel like you were alone tonight.”

  He watched her in the moonlight as she bit down softly on her bottom lip. It was almost as if she wanted permission to move closer.

  “I’m glad you stayed.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her next to his body. He couldn’t believe how sexy she looked in just a t-shirt, her long hair cascading down her back in soft waves.

  She swung one leg over his and sat straddling him. Her touch brought a smile to his face. Isabelle was right. He hadn’t realized before just how much he really did need her tonight.

  “Watch out, Dr. Rodriguez. That little move might put us in dangerous territory,” he said, his voice husky from the alcohol and smoke.

  “Good. I think this might get your mind off what happened earlier,” she whispered in his ear.

  He could feel her warm breath on his neck as she cupped his face, pulling his lips close to hers. Those lips were tender and inviting as she and Andrew quietly got lost in each other. They stayed on the porch for several minutes before Andrew carried her back into the house.

  “Turn in here,” she said softly. “This is where I’m staying tonight.”

  “Well then, this is where I’m staying too.” He gently laid her on the bed before turning to close the door.

  “Come back over here.” She patted the bed.

  “On my way.”

  He slid the oversized shirt over her head. She followed suit, taking off his shirt and khaki shorts. Even in the darkness, he could see her sexy smile. There was no denying that he wanted and needed her tonight. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, before moving his lips down her neck, toward her breasts. She responded, arching. Andrew had never felt this sort of connection with a woman. Every move she made only made him want her more. He needed to feel her soft touch.

  He climbed on top of her, their bodies coming together to form one. His heart raced as he kissed her hungrily. She was everything he’d ever wanted. He silently vowed to figure out what was happening in his hometown and protect all the people he loved, including Isabelle.

  She moaned as he moved. He kissed her again, only wanting her more and more.

  He had slipped into soldier mode earlier, but he knew that was just the beginning. His loved ones had been attacked, and he intended to get justice…and revenge.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Rise and shine, sleepy heads,” Miles yelled from the other side of the door.

  “Shut up!” Andrew loudly mumbled as he nuzzled against the hair of the beautiful woman tangled in his arms. He felt her shake in laughter at his response.

  “Don’t make me open this door! I know both of you are in there together,” Miles responded, in between his own laughs. “Besides, it’s after ten, and the rest of us have been up for at least two hours.”

  “We should probably get up,” she whispered. “I think your brother is serious about opening the door.”

  “No. I’m not ready to wake up. I like feeling your naked body next to mine too much,” Andrew said as he listened to the sound of his brother’s retreating footsteps. “He can wait.”

  “We’re in their house,” Isabelle whispered. She leaned up on her elbow and looked at him. “I should have made you sleep on the couch last night. This doesn’t look good that we’re in bed together.”

  “I don’t care. Right now, being in this bed is the one thing bringing me any sort of happiness.” He moved closer.

  “Hmm. One part of your body is awake.”

  “I know. That’s what you do to me. Now, we can either go back to sleep or we can do something that makes a little more noise, and then Miles may really open the door.”

  “Andrew Montgomery, you definitely have a bad side.”

  “Agreed. I happen to like that side the best. It’s my favorite.”

  A comfortable silence fell between them as Andrew enjoyed having his arms wrapped around the amazing woman naked beside him. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this way. In the past, he’d have gotten up and left before he had to talk to a woman, but he didn’t want to leave Isabelle. He only wanted to spend more time with her.

  Isabelle began to slowly and softly caress his leg.

  “Dr. Rodriguez, I have to warn you that what you’re doing is really not a good idea.”

  “Oh, really?” she said seductively. “And why is that?”

  “Hmm.” Andrew grunted as he rolled his body on top of hers, causing her to giggle. “I think you also have a bad side.”

  “Oh no. I don’t think so.” She then paused. “Sorry. Andrew, we really shouldn’t do this right now.”

  “What? Why not?” He hoped she could hear the disappointment in his voice.

  “Because your entire family is awake and right outside that door.”

  “You’re the one who started it.”

  “I did not!” She laughed.

  “Then why were you touching my leg?” He pouted as he rolled back onto his back.

  “Andrew.” She grabbed at his arms, coaxing him back toward her. Even in the morning, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “I’m glad you stayed last night,” he finally said, managing to tear his eyes away from hers.

  “Me too.”

  “I kind of like waking up next to you.”

  “I know. Me too. It feels very comfortable.”

  “Wrong answer,” he said, thrusting her arms up over her head. “I’m anything but comfortable.”

  “I know,” she said with a smile, before biting down softly on her bottom lip. “I know. That’s what I like about you.”

  Andrew couldn’t help but stare. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of, and more. Dr. Isabelle Rodriguez was smart, feisty, and completely sexy.

  “You look amazing right now.” It was the truth. He didn’t want to take his eyes off of her.

  She laughed. “There’s no stopping you, is there?”

  “Nope. Sorry.” He could feel her body respond to his as she let out a soft groan.

  He had forgotten about all of the sadness and heartache from the night before. All he wanted right now was Isabelle. As her lips caressed his cheek and neck, he released years of disappointment and sadness. For some reason, he knew his family and friends would approve of his feelings for Isabelle. She was just what he needed in his life.

  “You’re unbelievable,” he whispered as he slowly pulled away.

  “You’re not bad yourself. But we really should think about getting up.”

  She was right. There was a lot to do today, but it also felt good to lay under the covers next to Isabelle. He felt at ease even though a nagging feeling also reminded him that today would probably be rough.

  “Okay.” He rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. When Isabelle began to get up from the bed, he grabbed her hand. “You mentioned something yesterday evening.”

  “Mentioned what?”

  “Lucy. Who is she? I’ve met her a few times, but I’d really like to know more about her.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “She’s just a girl in town who has had a pretty rough life. I don’t really know much about her past, but I see her walking around town quite a bit,” Isabelle said. “I think she must have pretty relaxed parents, because she always seems to be alone or with her grandfather.”

  “Hmm. She’s a little odd. Don’t you think?”

  “She’s not that weird. Besides, she’s always very nice to me, and respectful. My mom has lived here her entire life and knows a lot about this town
and the people. Would you like to meet her and some of my family?”

  “I don’t know. Will Pete be there?”


  “Can you tell Pete to be a little bit nicer to me?”

  “I don’t think he listens to anything I say. You’ve met him. He isn’t that interested in minding his older sister’s wishes.” She wriggled closer to him.

  “Then I’ll think about it. I don’t want to have to hurt your brother.”

  “I think Pete can handle himself.”

  “I have no doubt.” He shifted his body. “Let me talk with my family first. We may need to go over and see what’s left of the house.”

  “I’d like to go with you,” Isabelle said as she pulled on her jeans. “I don’t have to be at work for a few more hours.”

  “Okay.” Andrew threw back the blanket and reached for his shirt and shorts. He knew the rest of his family were probably already on their second or third cups of coffee. He could also smell bacon cooking, which caused his stomach to growl. He looked back and winked at Isabelle as he opened the bedroom door, and then they headed down the hallway.

  “Good morning,” he said upon entering the kitchen. His parents, along with Miles and Anne, were sitting at the kitchen table. “Any word on the fire?”

  His dad raised an eyebrow at his son’s entrance. “Not much, but we’re planning on driving over in a few minutes. Everything all right with you, son?”

  “I’ll go with you,” Andrew responded as he poured himself a cup of coffee and glanced at the clock on the wall. He ignored his father’s last question. Miles had been right. It was after ten o’clock. He hadn’t slept this late in years.

  “Well, isn’t someone chatty this morning,” Miles said, before turning his attention to Isabelle, who had sat down at the opposite end of the table and was studying her phone. “Good morning, Isabelle. I hope my brother was a gentleman last night and slept on the floor.”

  “Yes, he was very gentle,” Isabelle said, not looking up.

  At her response, Miles let out a loud, “Whoop!” He turned to Anne, his expression serious. “I think you owe it to me to say, ‘You were right, Miles Montgomery.’”

  Anne balled up her fist and hit Miles lightly on the shoulder as she began to laugh. “I will do no such thing, Miles.”

  “What is he allegedly right about?” Andrew asked, grabbing several pieces of bacon.

  Miles didn’t hesitate. “I told Anne two years ago that we should find a way for you to meet Isabelle.”

  Isabelle looked over at Andrew. This time, she winked at him.

  Andrew’s father cleared his throat. “I’m glad to have all of you around the same table. It’s been good to hear laughter again. Unfortunately, I think we should probably go over to the house. I have several folks meeting us there this morning, including a private investigator.”

  “Okay.” Andrew gulped down the rest of his coffee. The dark liquid burned the back of his throat as he tried to get as much caffeine as possible into his body. He would need every little ounce today.

  Everyone got up from the table, including the women.

  “Are you sure you want to go over there?” Andrew’s father asked his mother.

  Andrew looked over at his mom. Her eyes were red and swollen. He imagined she’d been awake most of the night, thinking about her home and what was now left of it.

  “Yes, I need to see it,” she said as she walked past them and out the front door.

  Wayne Montgomery nodded, and then followed his wife.


  There were a number of fire trucks still parked on the roadway. The first fireman they encountered put up his hand in an attempt to stop the Montgomery convoy, but Wayne Montgomery just waved back before driving on toward his driveway, or what was left of it. The flames had scorched the asphalt, leaving large burned spots. The pungent smell of smoke filled the air. Andrew heard his mom begin to sob the minute the truck turned down the narrow path.

  “I knew it would look ugly, but not this bad.” She stared out the front passenger seat window.

  Everything was black. The bushes and trees had all been burned. As they came around the small bend, the remnants of their home became visible. They had been sitting around the picnic table less than twenty-four hours ago, but now all that was left of their home was the frame.

  “Oh my God,” his mom wailed, burying her head in her hands. “I can’t believe it’s really gone. I just can’t believe it.”

  “Don’t worry, babe. We’ll rebuild,” Wayne Montgomery said, his body rigid as he stared at his charred property.

  His comment caused Andrew’s mom’s head to snap up, and she glared at her husband. “This is all your fault. I know you had something to do with my home being destroyed.”

  Wayne glared back. “I think you need to be quiet.”

  “Why? Everyone already knows.”

  “You’re under a lot of stress honey. This isn’t anything we need to discuss in front of the kids.”

  “The twins are thirty-three. I think they’re old enough to hear about their father.”

  Isabelle touched Andrew’s knee. He knew she was probably trying to calm him down, but he had never seen his parents so angry. They’d never fought when he was younger. His mom had always seemed to be the picture of happiness. Before Andrew could say anything, his father threw open the driver’s door and climbed out.

  Andrew followed. “Dad, wait up. What’s going on?”

  “None of your business, son.” Wayne squatted and picked up some of their old dinner plates. “We can talk later. Right now, we need to see if there’s anything that is remotely salvageable.”

  “Whatever,” Andrew said, looking around the yard. His gaze reached the place where the garage had stood. It, too, had burned to the ground, leaving only several large safes visible.

  Andrew pointed toward the area. “Dad, I think your safes managed to make it out of the fire. What are those for? Guns?”

  “Guns and other stuff,” his father said, without looking back at Andrew.

  The late morning air felt thick. Andrew watched as his family walked around the perimeter of the property. There was nothing left—only a soggy black mess.

  “I’m sorry to see your place like this, but I really need all of you to step away from this area so that I can protect some of the scene for investigators.” The fire marshal rolled a toothpick in his mouth as he stood next to Andrew’s father. He looked as if he’d missed a few days between shaves, with a partial white beard peeking out from his saggy skin. “Always thought you had a nice house. Sure is disappointing.”

  A line of firefighters walked off in the distance, dragging a hose. It looked as if they were spraying down hot spots.

  “Yeah.” Wayne Montgomery solemnly nodded. “We put a lot of work into it over the years.”

  There was a moment of silence, before the fire marshal let out a deep sigh. Andrew thought it almost sounded a little too dramatic. “Wayne, let’s walk over here.” He ushered them to an area off to the side that didn’t have much damage.

  “Montgomery, I’m not sure what’s going on, but this is the worst damn fire I’ve ever seen. This was definitely no accident. Someone intended to burn this place down. Now, I just need to know why. You got any ideas?”

  Andrew’s father thrust his hands into his jean pockets and looked up toward the sun. His eyes narrowed as he turned back to the fire marshal. “Nope. Let me know when you get that answer. I’m definitely interested in finding out who put my family at risk and destroyed my home.” Wayne Montgomery didn’t wait for a response. He walked off, leaving Andrew standing with his brother and the fire marshal.

  “You guys go ahead and get out of here. I’ll call you when you can come back on the property and look around.”

  “Fine.” Andrew nodded.

  Chapter Thirty

  It wasn’t until several more days that they got the call from the fire marshal letting the family know they could go back to t
heir property.

  All of the fire trucks had finally cleared out, leaving an eerie quiet when Andrew and the rest of the Montgomery clan pulled up to what had once been their home. The fire marshal was sitting in the cab of his truck when they arrived.

  “Did you guys find anything?” Andrew’s father asked.

  “A few things,” the fire marshal responded.

  “Are you able to share any of those findings with us yet?”

  “We have a few leads, but I don’t want to taint anything just yet.”

  “Any idea what kind of accelerant was used?” Andrew asked.

  “We’re sampling some of the ash, but my gut tells me it was good ol’ fashioned lighter fluid, son.”

  “Any idea on the point of origin?”

  “Probably behind the garage.” The fire marshal lifted his chin toward the three safes that stood as a lonely reminder of everything they’d lost. “But from the way things looked, someone took the time to spread the accelerant around the property. Whoever it was didn’t want to leave behind any witnesses. You all are lucky to be alive. Real lucky.”

  “Hmm.” Andrew wandered toward the burned structure that was once his family’s garage, ignoring the rest of what the older man had to say. Whoever had done this had watched him and his family eat dinner that night. They’d been laughing and having a good time while someone was dousing the property with lighter fluid. Andrew was a little surprised he hadn’t smelled anything, but then again, they’d been drinking, and then he and his brother had gotten into an argument. Sadly, he had been distracted.

  The sound of his father’s voice broke through his thoughts. “Son, you don’t need to be back there. Let’s just get out of here. I have a clean-up crew coming over in a little bit.”

  “I’ll leave in a minute. Right now, I want to take a look around.” Andrew had unfortunately been a part of a number of fire investigations when he had been in Afghanistan. He wasn’t an investigator, but he had learned what to ask during these sorts of situations.