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Page 11

  “I was born and raised here. I tried to leave when I went off to college, but something pulled me back. I went to medical school, and then to Dallas for residency, before finding my way back to Sable Falls. What about you?”

  “Born and raised. Went into the military. Loved it. Did a couple of tours overseas.”

  “What do you do now?”

  “That’s a good question. I’m not really sure, but don’t tell my family I said that. I don’t want my dad to think I’m instantly coming back to work for his company.”

  Isabelle raised an eyebrow. “The Montgomery family certainly does have a diverse business portfolio.”

  Andrew paused. “How do you know so much about my family?”

  “Uh, because my best friend just got married to your brother. What do you think we do on our boring small town nights? We talk about all of your assets.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. Women just want to find a sugar daddy.”

  She rolled her eyes, and for the first time, Andrew thought he saw the hint of a smile on her face. “Ha! Trust me, not all women want a sugar daddy. Some of us just want to find a decent guy.”

  “How’s that working for you?”

  “I’ve had some good and some not so good moments. What about you?”

  “I’m not sure that’s the type of question I want to answer without a drink in my hand.”

  Isabelle stared back at him. Andrew met her gaze. They both smiled at each other.

  “Well then, maybe we should go and have a drink sometime. I’m not on call this weekend. Will you still be in town?” she asked, catching Andrew off guard. He hadn’t expected she would be the one to hint at spending more time together.

  Andrew rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about his response. The last time they had talked at length, she had then ignored him for a few weeks. He didn’t want to respond too confidently and somehow push her away again. “I wasn’t planning on being here, but then I had to rescue an interesting woman, and now my plans have changed…temporarily.”

  “Oh, we have a charmer on our hands. Glad to hear that’s how you’re spinning the story.” She laughed. Her dark hair cascaded around her face. She had an exotic beauty that was hard to ignore.

  “Let’s get one thing straight.”


  “I think you should pay for our drinks, so you don’t think I’m trying to be a sugar daddy.”

  She rolled her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip. “Not a problem. I’m more than happy to pay. Besides, aren’t you unemployed right now?”

  He let out a little chuckle. “Good point.”

  “There’s a new place in a neighboring town that recently opened up and I’ve wanted to stop by and get a glass of wine. Would you like to join me on my adventure?”

  “Wine? Why would we order wine?”

  “Yes. Have you ever heard of the stuff?”

  “Maybe. But I was thinking we could just go and grab a beer at George’s.”

  “No. Not going to happen. I don’t get to go on many dates with a man, except for my brother. If you want to meet me out, then we are definitely not going to George’s.”

  “Oh, now it’s a date?”

  “Yeah. Isn’t that what it’s called when two people meet up for a drink?”

  “I guess.” Andrew smiled. He was really beginning to like Isabelle. “I’ll pick you up at six on Saturday, and we’ll see about the wine.”

  “Thank you, Andrew. I’m glad we finally got to really talk.”

  “Me too. See? We could have saved ourselves a lot of angst if you’d just talked to me at the wedding instead of being so cold and rude.”

  “That would have been too easy.”

  “I look forward to getting to talk with you some more.”

  “Me too.”


  Thankfully for Andrew, the week sped by. It was Saturday afternoon. Andrew opened his laptop and went through emails as he thought about the evening. He was going to have drinks with Isabelle, but he still hadn’t decided if that was entirely a good idea. The other day she’d been easy to talk with, but that had been a big change from his previous encounters with her. He wasn’t sure what he expected out of tonight.

  Miles had laughed when he’d told him about the date. Actually, Andrew hadn’t been the one who’d told him. It had been Miles’s wife who’d shared the news. Miles had then driven over to the Montgomery home to check for himself. That had been yesterday.

  Andrew looked out the window. A sheriff’s car was driving down the long driveway. He stared at the old Mercury, and then decided to meet his visitor on the front porch.

  Pete Rodriguez climbed out of the vehicle just as Andrew opened the front door.

  “It’s Pete. Right?” Andrew said, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at Isabelle’s brother. Pete’s short hair was ruffled and there was a fire in his eyes.

  Pete’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s Deputy Rodriguez to you, Mr. Montgomery. I would appreciate it if you treated me with respect.”

  “Okay. Ditto,” Andrew said, leaning against one of the front porch pillars.

  “Stop the shit.” Pete glared at him.

  Andrew wondered where this conversation was going, but he had a pretty good idea that Pete was paying him a visit because of his date tonight with Isabelle. Apparently, their idea of grabbing drinks together had gotten the attention of not only his family, but hers as well.

  “All right,” Andrew said. “Would you like to have a seat on the porch, or are you just here to watch me?”

  Pete slowly mounted the front steps, never taking his eyes off Andrew. “You need to stay away from Isabelle.”

  “Why?” Andrew lifted his chin.

  “My family doesn’t want anything to do with you. We want you to leave town.”

  “Does Isabelle know you’re here?”

  “What my sister and I talk about is our business. Just stay away.” He returned to his car.

  “It was good to talk with you as well.” Andrew waved.

  Deputy Pete Rodriguez threw up his middle finger and drove away.

  Andrew drummed his fingers on the pillar. He didn’t care what Pete had to say, but he had a feeling Isabelle’s younger brother would be watching them tonight. Obviously, this night was going to be more fun than he’d thought.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Isabelle sat across from Andrew in the old, brown leather booth at Carmen’s on the River. It was a quiet little restaurant that, despite its shabby exterior, apparently served some of the best southern food in the county. At least, that’s what the sign at the front of the restaurant declared.

  Andrew had ordered a large plate of ribs, fries, and green beans. Isabelle had ordered a grilled chicken salad.

  “Is that all you’re planning on eating tonight?” Andrew pointed at her salad in disgust.

  “Yep. I like to keep my heart working.” She nodded at his ribs smothered in barbecue sauce with a heaping side order of fries, causing Andrew to chuckle.

  “I probably need to start watching what I’m eating now that I’m not going to the gym for several hours every day,” he said, in between a large bite that included at least four fries.

  Isabelle watched him for several seconds. “What exactly did you do in the military?”


  “I realize that, but what exactly did you do?”

  “Fought for our country.”


  “There’s not much else to say.” Andrew took a bite of one of his ribs. The barbecue sauce trickled down the edges of his mouth.

  “How many tours did you do to Iraq?”

  Andrew sighed. He really didn’t want to talk about his military career tonight. “Why are you so interested in me? Let’s talk about you.”

  “Can you just answer my question?” Isabelle asked, throwing up her hands in frustration.

  “Can you answer mine?” he snapped back.

  Andrew could see the
fire in her eyes. Obviously, he’d struck a nerve with his response, but he couldn’t help it. He really didn’t know what sort of answer she wanted to hear. He wasn’t good when it came to dealing with women or his past. In fact, he was hoping she wouldn’t find out that this was the first time he’d been on a real date in at least three years, maybe longer. He hadn’t had the time to date, nor had he really cared. Of course, there was the occasional romp with some of the women who hung out at a bar near his last base. They were all military groupies looking for a soldier to take them to bed. Andrew had been more than happy to oblige…on several occasions. In those instances, it had just been sex. Nothing more. This date with Isabelle was very different, and for the first time in a long time, he was enjoying the company.

  Just as he was about to take another bite of his ribs, Pete walked into the restaurant and sauntered over to their table with a smug look on his face. Isabelle leaned back and crossed her arms. “Seriously, Pete. Go away. This is getting ridiculous. We’re not even in Sable Falls right now.”

  Pete ignored his sister’s plea and instead placed both hands on his hips. “Hey, Sis, just checking to see how your little dinner is going. Although, I thought you guys were just getting drinks.” He glared at Andrew.

  “It’s going just dandy.” Andrew glared back. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with Pete again.

  “Fine.” Pete stood there awkwardly, before turning to his sister. “I’ll meet you at Mom’s house in an hour.”

  “Oh, please. I’m not going over to Mom’s house tonight.”

  “Isabelle, I didn’t ask,” Pete said, and then walked off.

  Isabelle’s jaw fell open and she shook her head. “Sorry. I’ve never seen him like this before. Ever. He’s definitely been different the past few weeks.”

  “It must be my charm.” Andrew licked barbecue sauce off two of his fingers.

  “Must be.” Isabelle’s face turned more serious, before finally, a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Well, since we only have a little bit of time left, why don’t we go back to my place and have a beer on the porch?”

  “That might make you a little late to your mother’s.”

  “She lives across the street.”

  “Well then, we should go. I can’t wait to see Petey again.” Andrew pulled out several bills and threw them on the table.

  “Watch it, Montgomery. Pete definitely does not like that nickname. Trust me. I called him that many times throughout high school and got a pretty good beating for it.”

  “I’m not worried,” he said, placing his hand on her lower back and guiding her toward the front door.

  She went rigid at his touch. “Look, Andrew. I’m not wanting to cause trouble for my family. If you’re trying to make things tough for my brother, then you should probably just leave me here and I can get a ride home from someone else.”

  Andrew drew back. “Whoa. I’m sorry, and no, I’m not leaving you here. I’m sorry if I was being a little snarky. It’s just my man-side.”

  “That’s your excuse? You have a man-side?”

  “Yeah, of course I do. It’s just a part of who we are. We men don’t like to be pushed around.” He shrugged. Didn’t she see how Pete was treating him? Didn’t Isabelle see how her brother had looked at Andrew, silently accusing him of things he hadn’t done?

  “I have a feeling not too many people push you around, Mr. Montgomery.” Her voice suddenly grew a little softer. Andrew felt like her eyes were inviting him to move closer, but he wasn’t entirely sure. There was something about her that was so confusing. Isabelle Rodriguez was a woman of mystery, and mixed signals.


  They stood in silence for several seconds, before Isabelle finally said, “Thank you for dinner. It was really nice.”

  “So, you think that’s it for tonight?” Andrew asked, perplexed. Was she really dismissing him? He hadn’t been on his best behavior, but he also hadn’t been that bad. Well, maybe not so great.

  “I think it’s better if we go ahead and call it a night. I’m exhausted, and I know my family will want a full report.”

  “You’re being difficult and confusing again,” Andrew said as he opened the passenger door for her. He had no intention of leaving her here in the middle of an almost empty parking lot.

  “No, I’m not.”

  Andrew paused. This woman was so frustrating. Finally, his eyes found hers. There was a hint of sadness and uncertainty in how she looked at him.

  “Fine. I’ll let you take me home,” she said as she climbed into the passenger seat. “I just don’t want to waste either of our time.”

  They sat in silence, staring at the exterior of the restaurant. The paint was chipped in several spots. Andrew hardly noticed anything else. He was just trying to mentally find a way not to make a fool of himself. He threw his Jeep into reverse and took off toward her house.

  In the darkness, he felt Isabelle’s soft fingers slowly entwine with his. The act made Andrew’s pulse race.

  “You’re a good guy,” she whispered. “Thank you for tonight.”

  “You already said that,” he responded, with a lazy smile.

  He reluctantly reclaimed his hand so he could shift into the next gear. The ride to her house seemed shorter than the drive to the restaurant earlier. He wished he had more time to spend with her.

  Andrew pulled his Jeep into her driveway and put it in neutral before looking over at her.

  “I have to go,” she said softly, but paused before she opened the door.

  “I know.” He didn’t really want to let her out of the Jeep. He reached for her hand. “Not yet.”

  She hesitated. “Do you want to come inside for a drink?”

  Andrew paused, and then let out a soft laugh. “No, I should probably leave, otherwise I’m just going to get you in trouble. Sorry.”

  She leaned in slightly, “Okay. Then another time—”

  “I’d like that,” he said, not needing any more of a reason to touch her. He leaned down and softly kissed her lips, and then kissed them a second time, more hungrily. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted Isabelle Rodriguez, but this wasn’t the time or place. He had to stop now or there would be no stopping at all. Reluctantly, he pulled back.

  “I look forward to our date tomorrow night.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  “We have another date? I don’t recall you asking me.” She smiled, and then leaned in to kiss his neck. Her lips tickled as she made her way down toward his chest. “Are you sure you don’t want to come inside, Mr. Montgomery?”

  “Oh, I definitely want to follow you into your home, but I should go.” He wished he could take back the words the moment they left his mouth.

  “Are we really going out again tomorrow night?”

  “Uh, yes. We’re definitely going to see each other tomorrow night.” He laughed, pulling her closer and kissing her again. She felt good in his arms.

  Finally, she pulled back. “Okay. Where?”

  “I’ll tell you tomorrow.” He got out and hobbled quickly to open the passenger door for her. After all, he didn’t want Isabelle to think he’d lost his southern charm.

  Isabelle smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Montgomery.”

  “Well now, you’ve said that several times tonight.” He leaned down and kissed her again, this time with more passion. He pushed up against her, and she responded just as hungrily. He caressed the side of her cheek. “Besides, I’m sure your family is watching us right now, so I definitely want to make sure I’m impressing them.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  He glanced in his rearview mirror in time to see Isabelle staring after him. He felt too amped to go home. Instead, he drove over to George’s to have a few more drinks.

  Andrew didn’t recognize anyone in the old bar tonight. He was sure, though, that several of them recognized him. From the minute he’d walked into the place, he’d felt their curious, dru
nken stares.

  Finally, after the last sip of his second beer hit the back of his throat, he knew the smart thing would be to leave. He motioned to the bartender to take care of his tab, and then headed outside.

  It took several minutes for it to register, but as Andrew approached his Jeep, there was no denying that someone had slashed his two back tires. The Jeep sat slightly tilted towards the back. Andrew walked around to the back to examine the vehicle. A knife had been left in his rear passenger tire. He assumed it was a message from someone.

  He felt his blood begin to boil as he reached over and yanked out the blade. It was a cheap version of an army knife. There would be no way to patch the tires, and he only had one spare.

  “Wow, someone really doesn’t like you,” a voice said from behind him.

  He turned to see Lucy standing in the middle of the parking lot, staring at his flat tires. Her jeans had holes near the knees and her shirt looked like it had seen better days.

  “Yeah, apparently so. What are you doing out here?” Andrew asked, slightly annoyed someone had seen the damage done to his Jeep, but once again wondering what the deal was with this girl.

  “So, you come back to town and someone puts a knife in your tire. That’s a little freaky.” Lucy stepped closer. “Don’t you think?”

  “Yeah. I was just thinking that very thing.”

  “Well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you, but obviously you need to watch your back. Be careful.” She turned and walked away.

  Andrew watched her silhouette disappear around the corner. She was definitely unusual.

  He drew in a deep breath, walked over to a tree stump near the sidewalk, and sat down. The damage to his vehicle had pissed him off, but there was also Isabelle. He couldn’t shake a feeling that had come over him when he was near her earlier.

  Andrew pulled out his phone and called Miles.

  His brother answered groggily on the third ring. “Hello?”

  “Sorry to wake you.”

  “Andrew, is that you? What in the hell time is it right now?” He could hear Miles sitting up in bed.